It’s no secret that our environments affect our behavior. Think about the feeling you get when you’re at the beach. Is it different from when you’re in your living room? A recent study says that it’s not just your imagination. Robertson Cooper, a business psychology firm, found that employees demonstrate a 15 percent increase in reported well-being when exposed to natural elements such as greenery and sunlight in the workplace.
While it’s impossible to ditch our desks for the outdoors every day, many companies are taking steps towards creating work environments that bolster employee happiness. Check out a few below:
Open Workspace
In recent years, more and more companies have traded cubicles and closed office doors for shared desks and sunlight, with a whopping 70 percent now calling open workspaces their home for 8 hours each day. Being able to talk to your boss without scheduling an appointment is nice, but the real power in this environment is the sense of community it builds among co-workers. Have a quick question? Just want to take a short break and grab a snack? Want to share an interesting article you found? The simple act of sliding your chair over a few feet can accomplish all of this and potentially spark a new connection.
Culture of Appreciation
Whether they’re negative or positive, you know that emotions tend to spread. It only takes one person having a bad day to make sure that everyone else has one too. This is why it’s essential to join an organization with a culture of appreciation. At Advance Financial, we do this through a program where employees give and receive points for showcasing outstanding service to others, whether that’s solving a customer issue or simply offering a compliment to a co-worker. Expressing appreciation isn’t just a nice thought, it’s essential, with a recent Gallup study finding that 65 percent of employees hadn’t received any form of recognition for good work in the last year. Do yourself a favor and surround yourself with those who embrace a culture of encouragement.
Health and Wellness
Think about the last time you had to make a visit to the doctor’s office. You probably had to request time off from work, battle traffic to drive across town only to arrive for your appointment to a crowded office where you waited your turn to see a medical professional. Not only does this steal our time, it can decrease our productivity, as well. In an effort to make taking care of yourself a top priority, Advance Financial offers an on-site nurse practitioner, where you can get peace of mind and medical solutions right down the hallway from your desk. When considering a new position, ask about medical benefits. Do they offer an on-site clinic? Paid time off to visit the doctor? Consider how much happier and healthier you’ll be if you work for a company who cares about your well-being.
Finding the perfect work environment is impossible but finding an exceptional environment should be your goal. Consider your personal productivity style and what you value, then search out companies that can offer you those qualities. You’ll be glad you did!