Technology has made it possible for us to be more connected and engaged with each other than ever before. However, increasing reliance on texting and emojis can lead to a decrease in professionalism in phone and email communication. Not sure if you’re using proper etiquette? Check out our do’s and don’ts below.

Phone Etiquette


  • Before your phone call, make sure that you are in a quiet place and free from interruptions
  • Check that the phone connection is strong
  • Introduce yourself by stating your name and reason for calling
  • Ask if it’s a convenient time to talk and if not, ask what time would work best
  • Give the person on the other end of the call your contact information


  • Sound like a robot – make sure you’re conversational
  • Forget to ask who you are speaking with so that you will be able to reference the conversation and who you spoke with
  • Go into your phone call unprepared – know what you’re going to talk about
  • Hang up the phone without thanking the person you talked with for their time


Email Etiquette


  • Keep the subject line relevant and short
  • Introduce yourself and your organization in the beginning line of your email
  • Be clear and concise
  • Make sure that your email is professional – that is, don’t use slang or be overly familiar
  • Proofread and fix any typo’s in your email


  • Forget to address the person that you are emailing
  • Draft a long email
  • Type in all caps or use a lot of exclamation points
  • Use text lingo or abbreviations – spell things out
  • End your email without a signature and your contact information


Proper phone and email etiquette is important and can impact whether you are seen as professional or not. With practice, you’ll be a pro in no time!