Whether you are in search of a job, want to advertise your business, or just connect with other peers, LinkedIn is a great tool to do so. Above all else, it is a great platform to advertise yourself on. LinkedIn may seem like just another account you have to keep updated, but it can play a huge role in your career path. Here are some ways you can begin leveraging Linkedin and use it to your personal advantage. 

Make Your Account Visually Appealing 

A crucial first step to taking advantage of LinkedIn is creating a great profile. Make sure that your profile is visually appealing and eye-catching. This includes having a professional headshot as your profile photo. This does not mean that you have to go out and pay someone a ton to take headshots of you. This can be as simple as a photo you have a friend snap on their phone. You can dress in a professional outfit that matches the profession you are currently in or want to be in. Try to use a plain background to keep the attention on you. 

Another part of making your account visually appealing is making sure your posts have images. It is proven that people are more likely to interact with posts that include images. This is because their eyes are more drawn to them.  

Keep it Professional When Leveraging Linkedin

Unlike other social media platforms you may use, LinkedIn needs to stay professional. It’s recommended that you keep all your social media accounts somewhat professional. However,  it is very important with LinkedIn. This is not a space where you post things about your personal life but rather things about your career. 

Make it Meaningful

Part of leveraging LinkedIn is making sure your content is meaningful. To get the most out of your time on LinkedIn, you can also make sure you are interacting with meaningful content. This might be linking or commenting on an interesting article or another company’s new product announcement. In the end, as long as it is relevant to you and your audience, it is meaningful.

Interacting with the right brands and connecting to the right people is important with LinkedIn. Connect with people you might already work with and know, as well as people you might want to get to know better. LinkedIn is a great place to expand your network and a space where you can continue to grow as a professional. 

Make sure you are active on LinkedIn. It can be easy to just sit back and watch what others are posting. However, contributing to the conversation is a great way to build a strong LinkedIn profile. 

A great tactic to become more active is to set aside time each day to spend time on LinkedIn. This might be in the morning when you drink your coffee, or it could even be at night right before you go to bed. This can be as short as just five minutes a day.  Whatever it is, make sure you are making an effort to be consistent and make your voice heard on LinkedIn. The more you interact with others, the more often your name will be shown on your connection’s feed.

Apply to Advance Financial

Finally, if you are leveraging LinkedIn, you might come across a job opening at Advance Financial. Not only do we have a variety of positions, but we care about our employees’ professional development. And, we offer our employees wellness opportunities as well as opportunities to give back to the community through paid volunteer hours. Apply today and join the team!